Captain's Log: Saturday 27th May 2006 – Bucklers Hard ECA Rally  




As Julia and I wanted to be at Mike & Sarah’s “Wylds 10th anniversary party” on Sunday lunchtime, I spent Friday early morning getting a car to Buckers Hard.


The forecast was for lots of wind on the nose and so on the Saturday the numbers had dwindled so that only Selene, Elwing 2 and the cruise leader Peter Adams in Whisper set off. Even Peter’s wife had dropped out, and as it was so windy, even he gave up and went to Haslar Saturday evening, finally making it round on the Sunday!


Julia and I made sensible use of the Volvo, and did our first mooring to piles. Tony eventually turned up, but we had already made dinner plans at Gins Farm, so couldn’t keep him company.


On the Sunday, we then duly drove to Liss for the Wylds BBQ lunch party, and came back to find Whisper alongside.


Of course, by the Monday, the wind had died and so we ended up motoring home again! Oh well - that’s sailing in the Solent for you!